Consulting and Services

We offer a range of services in Europe

EC+S European Consulting Plus Services federates a network of multi-specialists consulting managers and multi-cultural experts. We provide our clients with a range of tailor-made services throughout Europe combined with a multi-local approach.

EC+S European Consulting Plus Services helps companies across all industries – from emerging and growing businesses to major corporations – to deal with a wide range of challenges.


The strengths of our training:

Custom-designed training is created for your company. It is dedicated to the employees concerned to assess the reform’s impact on your company's specificities and thus apply the new rules. For example, we offer tailor-made training for your deferred taxes and financial engineering used by your company with our recommendations.

Field or virtual support to analyze the impact on the production of accounting and tax data, the implementation of new procedures, software settings, the effect on your information systems to meet new accounting and reporting obligations. Our virtual training will keep remote workers up to date, even from home. Flexibility and adaptation to your employees' availability and learning rates, the module can be paused and resumed at any time and place. E-Learning has direct and indirect cost benefits too.

Multilingual support (English, German, French, Spanish) to help with your companies or group needs with your international partners to properly implement these reforms. This support program is tailor-made for you.

We have been declared as training providers since April 2, 2009, under number 82 69 10 405 69.​ La société EC+S est certifié Qualiopi.

How to finance your education?

Financing by your OPCA

The OPCAs (Joint bodies approved collectors) are State bodies responsible for collecting funds from businesses, allowing the financing of your vocational training plans. Companies with ten or more employees are subject to a single contribution rate of 1% from now on. The member companies can then benefit from their services: advice, information, development of training plans, and funding by the OPCA of training.

Aid from the State or Local Authorities

There are many state aids to improve employee training, such as the Employment and Skills Development Commitments (EDEC) agreements, the training and adaptation agreements of the National Employment Fund (FNE ), the European Social Fund (ESF), or regional aid. We invite you to contact your OPCA branch for more information on how to finance training.
Nous vous invitons à contacter votre agence OPCA pour plus d’informations sur le financement de la formation.

For any information concerning training or to organize training within your company, you can contact us:

EC+S European Consulting + Services - Working together for Excellence